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My Life and Satanism

Friday, 12 February 2010

Connecting with Satan

As a SATANIST, the first step you should consider is your connection with Satan himself, also known in Latin as Lucifer, or Samael in Jewish lore.  Disagree with me or not on the origins of the name of Satan, I must tell you this one simple fact, Satan is REAL!!! 


As a Satanist, I can testify to this without a doubt, as I have connected with Satan before walking down the long corridor of darkness, filled with many doors that open into fields of illuminating knowledge. Without the light of Satan, you cannot see your path, and you will trip and stumble, lose your focus, and even go insane-you will be lost and afraid in the darkness.


I have walked the path of the Satanist for four years, and these doors have yielded their knowledge, power, and experience that only a true black magickian can say they have mastered.  Satanism is not about mere knowledge either, it is about seeing and finding Satan within…you must be able to transform yourself into a vessel of the Adversary-a shell that is not merely a shell, but a shell that contains a demonic spirit. Once you have seen and recognized yourself for who you really are, you will begin to see much more around you. Almost all of humanity cannot see and recognize Satan as who he is, as they have not mastered their natural inhibitions to fear and stay away from the Satanic Arts. They also have not journeyed into the dark regions of their soul.   They are merely sheep lost in the darkness.


Satan never will be threatened by Christians. And if you happen to be a Christian reading this article, your prayers will do you no good. Satan says let them have their religion, which is simply a mass of misguided fools.  Church is and always will be, a waste of time.


To follow Satan, and become a true disciple of the black arts you must leave your old self behind and build a new self, through Satan. The best way to begin is by contacting Satan.  And if you happen to be a LaVeyan Satanist, you should consider the reality of a true Dark Lord. Too many Satanists have read the Satanic Bible and taken Anton LaVey’s words word-for-word.  Yes, I have studied these things, and realize that LaVey does not believe in the existence of a real Satan, although he acknowledges Satan as a force in man. Also consider studying more works on the Dark Arts like the works of Michael W. Ford.  His book- Luciferian Witchcraft gives an indepth look into the Adversary as a current.  I consider this the next foundation point to building a solid knowledge of the occult.


To contact Satan, you must speak to him with all your heart and soul, without restraint, and with conviction. You must express to him all your feelings and desires, your strengths and weaknesses, and what you want to BECOME.  It is not guaranteed or likely that Satan will come to visit you, so you must contact him…then he will come to you. Devise and create a prayer or merely speak on a whim.  Make sure you are alone, preferably on a cool night.  Halloween would be the ideal time, but it is up to you. Always work Magick when you feel is the best time.  You do not need candles or other ritual items for this working, merely a voice and a soul.  Satan will hear you and understand. Then expect a visitor.  The most powerful way demons and angels can communicate with humans is through dreams, so expect a nightmare to say the least.  Satan may even take you and show you his realm, you may see the other side, or he may take you to be with him forever; experiences may vary. It is a very unrealistic expectation to meet Satan in the flesh, connection between demons and men usually take place in the astral realm, although demons can manifest in the physical plane. You may hear voices or hear footsteps, or see paranormal phenomenon. Please take precaution that you are working with real forces.


If you happen to be a young Satanist than consider that this article was written for you.  It is Satan’s Will that you have read this article today and are focusing on becoming a Witch or already are.  Please consider everything I have told you, as it comes from the deepest sincerity of my heart. I still have much to learn in various areas of the occult, as I have only been involved for four years. Hopefully Satan will continue to shed his light on me, and that I will grow strong in Will and experience through him.  I give this short and brief article credit to my Dark Lord. And remember, SATAN WANTS YOU!!!

Posted by joshua666 at 12:14 PM EST

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